22nd October 6:30pm

Fabbrica del Vapore/Spazio Fattoria

Enrico Pastore

Laterale #1 – Sonnambule, isteriche e tagliatrici di teste

duration: approx. 50 minutes
free admission

LATERALE: paths, practices, stories between art and life, language innovations 
Section created in 2018 to present “objects” in an innovative format, exclusive projects and talks dealing with practices, study and thoughts, in an attempt to analyze the working processes, to familiarize audiences with what is not visible or not known. 

Enrico Pastore is a theatre, dance and performing arts critic whose articles on national and international festivals are published by Passparnous, Rumor(s)cena, 93%, Il Pickwick, and Paneacquaculture. He has recently started a research on some forgotten women of the stage. In his speech he reflects on the common ground shared by three different female figures: the somnambulists; the hysterics of the notorious Hospice of the Salpétrière; and the Oriental princess Salomé. These figures gave birth to the image of a dangerous and fascinating woman, who can overthrow kingdoms and upset social and sexual rules. Around this image, the masculine notion of the women’s role in societies has clashed with its feminine counterpart, and this struggle has mainly taken place in the theatre milieu. 
