30th October 8:30pm

Teatro Out Off

Alexandra Bachzetsis


duration: 60 minutes
admission: 15/12€
reduced dance card ticket 7,50€ – limited seats

RADICAL DANCE Focus on the Swiss contemporary female scene
with the support of Pro Helvetia and Istituto Svizzero

Alexandra Bachzetsis, choreographer and visual artist featured in theatres and contemporary art venues and museums all over the world, such as Tate Modern (London), Jumex Museum (Mexico City, 2014), Museum of Modern Art (New York), (d)OCUMENTA 13 and 14 (Kassel and Athens), presents Notebook, a radical revisitation of her career as dancer, choreographer, and artist. This project is the result of a dialogic method involving different partners. The body turns into a physical archive of other bodies, and the site of a mediation between past and present, performance and documentation, originality and citationism. Issues such as lust, sexuality, excess, innocence, pain, and impermanence are dealt with as performing notes expressed in a plurality of voices, images, bodies, and objects. The notebook is an essential partner of the artistic process, a private archive of creative work and a tool to preserve ideas for future projects: it is a reflexion of Bachzetsis’s artistic affinity with fragmentation and sketching during the creative and performing processes. 



30th OCTOBER 8:30PM


concept and choreography Alexandra Bachzetsis
collaboration to concept and dramaturgy Dorota Sajewska
collaboration to choreography and performance Alexandra Bachzetsis, Antoine Weil, Alban Schelbert
collaboration to choreography and movement research Owen Ridley-DeMonick
technical direction and collaboration to stage and lighting design Patrik Rimann
production and management Association All Exclusive
co-produced by Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen, Gessnerallee Zürich, Tanzquartier Wien, TBA – Teatro do Bairro Alto, Kaserne Basel, Centre d‘art scénique contemporain – Arsenic Lausanne
thanks to Giovanni Carmine, Sotiris Vasiliou, Adam Szymczyk
Alexandra Bachzetsis is the recipient of a joint support by the City of Zurich, the Zurich Canton and Pro Helvetia – Fondazione svizzera per la cultura, and by Ernst Göhner Stiftung.


Alexandra Bachzetsis is a choreographer and visual artist, based in Zurich (CH). Her practice unfolds at the intersection of dance, performance, the visual arts and theater, generating a conflation of the spaces in which the body, as an artistic and critical apparatus, can manifest. This fundamentally interdisciplinary approach is reflected in her educational background. She studied and graduated at the Zürcher Kunstgymnasium (CH), the Dimitrischule in Verscio (CH), the Performance Education Program at the STUK arts centre in Leuven (BE), and then continued to post-graduate level at Das Arts, the Advanced Research in Theatre and Dance Studies centre in Amsterdam (NL). During these years of training, Bachzetsis began to work as a dancer in the contemporary dance and performance context, collaborating with Sasha Waltz & Guests (Berlin) and Les Ballets C. de la B. (Gent), among others. Collaboration, transference and a plurality of voices and bodies have informed Bachzetsiswork ever since and is often thematized as a method of developing new work in her practice.